Having a hard time meeting women you vibe with?
Dating apps leave a lot to be desired. So many scammers and posers. Well, we want to tell you about some low hanging fruit here at Lez Luv that you can take advantage of!
On the third Sunday of every month, we have a virtual Singles Salon, 7:30-9 pm EST, 4:30-6 pm PST. Join us this Sunday, Feb 18!
We talk about relationships, have deep meaningful conversations, and you'll meet other beings like you! We have people from all over North America and sometimes places like Central America, India, Europe and more.
Here's what it looks like: We start out in the large room with an icebreaker question, which people will answer in the chat box or aloud. We may take a poll (how long do you wait before kissing for example). Then we have breakout groups for everyone to get to know each other--we'll do it randomly, as well as by geographic location and/or by interest group. Each breakout will be preceded by a conversation starter question, designed to create stimulating conversation.
Please upgrade your zoom to the latest software in order to enable that feature where you get to choose what room to go in.
Here's what women had to say about past Singles Salons:
You've made a very intimidating endeavor feel safe and relaxed.
Wonderful meeting so many authentic thoughtful and phenomal women!
This was fun. Good ice breaker questions, good structure, good facilitation, friendly participants, excellent conversations with a mix of laughter and serious topics.
This was much better than going to a bar and trying to have meaningful conversation.
It was a beautiful night! Thank you for adding inspiration and optimism to my life.
Even if you don't meet someone to spark your romantic interest, you are exercising your conversational muscles, your relational muscles, exploring relationship topics and getting clarity about who you are in relationship.
Lez Luv Conscious Community is a no ads, no selling your data, private network based on a Mighty Networks platform (they have an app for your phone too). It's like Facebook meets Meetup, but better and more private. It is an undiscovered gem and I want you to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities available to you on this platform. For example:
You can find members near you (as long as you complete your location).
You can create a profile about who you are and see what others have to say about themselves too!
As of today, there are 841 members in this network. You have direct access to any one of them!
You can direct message someone.
You can post in the Singles & Looking Forum.
You can join the Forum on Sex, Sensuality and Eroticism.
If you come to the Singles Salon, you can look them up and find out a little more about them!
This year long relationship intensive is for anyone who wants to up their relationship game. Tired of attracting people who aren't good for you? Frustrated to find yourself repeating the same patterns? Want to find someone who is more self-aware and committed to their growth and development? Do you desire to have great communication skills and deal with conflict in a healthy way? And attract others who are on that same wave length? Join our program! Here are the juicy benefits for you:
Six Modules. These 6 topics reflect the core building blocks for soul-fulfilling relationships.
Module 1: Self Love & Compassion (Free)
Module 2: Releasing & Moving On
Module 3: Live Your Dream Life
Module 4: Healthy Love
Module 5: Let's Talk About It
Module 6: Living From Passion
Six Weeks of Live Classes for each Module. These are highly interactive 1.5 hour sessions facilitated by Cynthia Way, Master Certified Coach and/or Aimee Shapiro, Licensed Clinical Social Worker. 6 weeks x 6 masterclasses = 36 sessions, with a small break in between each series. The first class, Self Love & Compassion, is free, available to all, live or as recordings.
Access Exclusive Content. We've designed Love Essentials to inspire, instruct, and engage. Each time we give our classes, it's the best one yet because we are always upgrading. As we learn, you learn. You will have access to all the recordings, homework sheets, powerpoint slides and other related items during the course and after it's over, which will only be share with other participants taking the program. You'll have a chat feature within each module to discuss what you're learning, ask for help, etc.
Meet New People & Build Relationships. Your fellow participants are as motivated as you are to master what we're exploring here in Love Essentials. Each week you'll have a different Reflection Partner to check in with to share your experiences, your successes, your challenges, and get even more support and encouragement. They'll be your accountability buddy, your support, your cheerleader and inspire you to keep on track. They might even become your wife (ask Jen & Terry about that!). You'll see who's in the program, who lives near you, and an easy way to chat directly if you'd like.
Reinforcement, Grounded in Science. We have weekly exercises designed to strengthen those new neural pathways that lead to new ways of thinking and being (and a weakening of the default wiring). Our sessions are grounded in neuroscience, emotional intelligence, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy and more.
Get Results. As you dive into the course content and meet the community here in Love Essentials, you're on a path of mastery. While it's not necessarily easy, the transformation we'll have together matters. We do before and after polls on the difference it's made, and nearly 100% of participants reflect how much it changed their lives.
Scholarships Available
50%-90% off scholarships are available to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Persons, those living in Greece, and for other special circumstances. Inquire Here for more info. We want to make this accessible to all who desire to make that commitment.
In joy and learning,
At Lez Luv, we believe that:
Creating a community of like-minded beings is key. One that feels safe and one that encourages you to be all of who you can be.
Everyone can learn how to find, create and maintain deeply satisfying, healthy, loving relationships.
It all starts with self-awareness and self-love, a foundation to our LOVE ESSENTIALS program.
Personal commitment and the support of other amazing beings accelerates your growth and development.
We're all in this together!