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Healing Through Pleasure 

Lez Luv is pleased to offer both private and public tantric workshops and retreats for women and adjacent nonbinary people.

We offer workshops on topics such as the following:

​Cuddle With Heart

Tantric Power Dance

Five Elements Massage

Tantric Lap Dance

Light Up the Senses

Desire, Empower & Touch

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What is Tantra?

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There are so many ways to answer that question, and many different lineages and manifestations of tantric practices. I’ve studied with Everyday Tantra, Tao Tantric Arts and with Agapi Apostolopoulou. My understanding and experience of tantra is this: Tantra is about union of polarities, the masculine and feminine, sex and spirit, yin and yang, heaven and earth. Whereas some spiritual traditions are about ascension, escaping our earthly body and emotions, tantra is about embodiment: Being in our bodies, experiencing our emotions. Because our bodies hold so much trauma, tantra is also about healing. The tantra I practice is also about sacred sexuality. Sexual energy is our most vital life force. We work with sexual energy, not for the purpose of having sex (although it could be that too), but for the

divine union of taking us from earth to heaven, from sex to spirit, to that feeling of oneness and connection to the Divine. Tantra is a lifestyle of being connected to earth, spirit, the divine in all things and our sensuality.​

What is Healing Through Pleasure?

​On my first deep dive tantra retreat, I received a divine message of Healing Through Pleasure. It has totally changed the trajectory of my life. I made radical changes in my lifestyle, going from being a workaholic to living for months at a time on the Greek island of Lesvos. I have prioritized self-care. I listen to my body’s desires and follow them. I am living a lifestyle I never imagined possible to me. Through tantra, my body has opened up to energy in a way I have never experienced. I am more connected to the sensuality of the earth, of nature. I experience full body orgasms and energy orgasm, not just from sex, but from sensual caresses, from emotional intimacy, from being

in awe of the beauty of a tree, from feeling one with a mountain or experiencing divinity while snorkeling. I have allowed myself to uncover deep trauma and engage in the healing process. And more recently, having a felt experience of being as deeply in love with myself as I have been with previous partners. This is a game changer! I feel so much more peace and confidence. My tantra workshops, retreats and one-on-one sessions are all designed with healing through pleasure in mind.

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